Somthing new Learning to love my hair

So I am working through this whole "go natural" and rock it with confidence thing. Well this has made me think about the movie "Something New" With Sanaa Lathan. If you saw this movie then you remember the scene where Sanaa's love interest tells her that he would like to see her real hair and then Sanaa takes out her weave and her love interest who happens to be a white man loves it so much. Her African American Love interest on the other hand wants her to put the weave back in. Well I must admit that my Husband loves my hair, but I have had a few white men hit on me sense my weave is out! For whatever reason white men like the natural hair and black men may prefer a weave. Is it that they somewhere subconsciously want a white woman? I am not saying that that is the answer but I am saying that that could be a strong possibility. Whatever black men want is what they want and I am happy to know that my black man wants me! And I am happy to be able to say that with confidence! Anyway enough with my monolauge.....All I can say now is that every week that passes I become more comfortable with my hair. I am experiencing baby steps. I am learning to love myself and my hair and I hope that I can encourage you to grow your natural hair out and rock it love it and love you!