Visit me at
www.kristenlock.com to learn how to get my DVD that will teach you how to do many of the techniques you see here on my blog.

More tree braids!!1 I don't know which one I like more the wet and wavy hair or the straight hair. I mean it is a toss up for me. I like the versatility of the straight hair because if you want you can curl it it hand make it look really cute, but if you but a decent grade of the wet and wavy hair then you can do the same thing.... so I guess I like them both the same. Well if you are trying to decide between the two then I guess I am of no help to you.... but I can at least do them for you! So send me an email at kristen.braids@gmail.com and I will hook you up! If for some reason you are not in my area then look out for my DVD that will be available for sale in next week!! Send me your email address if you would like to know more information about the release date!