What hairstyles would you like to learn to do?

Look out everyone I have finally decided to do a Hair Braiding video just for you! I need your help, I need to know what styles you would like to learn to do. Please post comments and let me know what you as the consumer would like to learn to do and why. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for commenting and I look forward to reading your feedback.
I would really like to learn how to do those feed-in cornrows, I can never get it right.
Feed-In Cornrows
Cornrow Tree Braids
cornrows! and treebraids that utilize the cornrow method! Please!
Would love more information on treebraid styles...At my job, we arent allowed to wear braided hair...So defintely interested in a way to have my hair braided and styled without looking like braids...Please help.... If you have any other tips please email me... naturallymne@yahoo.com lisa in Vegas.
Senegaleses Twist Please!!
Personally, I have slight trouble w/feed in cornrows. I'd also like to see dreadloc extensions, if that is something you have experience with. Treebraiding (lacing) also, is a must. I never seem to pull the hair out right.
i wanna learn to do the braided mohawk
Tree braids
I would really like to learn how to do tree braids. cynethie@hotmail.com
micro kinky twists, senegalese twists, tree braids, and individuals
I am dying to learn the feed-in technique!
I'm dying to learn the feed-in technique.
I would love to learn how to do the following.
I would really like to learn how to do the kinky twist.
Hi Kristen,
Bought the "Tree Braids 101" and the "Cornrows 101" videos and they were EXCELLENT!
What I'd like to see:
(1) Advanced tree braids - samples of different styles achievable w/treebraids such as side-swept bans (remember the singer Aaliyah's style?)
(2) A braid style video w/step-by-step instructions on how to achieve them.
Thanks Kristen - you rock!
Jessie (from Los Angeles)
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